Advertisement is a part of communication and its effectiveness depends on its form and
content. The quality and forethought of the playlist, harmony of commercials put in on the air
are the main preconditions of the advertiser being able to create a favorable climate for
purchases and as a result to raise the sales.
Advantages of the audio advertisement:
Ability to choose an audience
Target audience has already been accurately segmented for an advertiser. This audience is
ready to make planned and spontaneous purchases.
The low price of production and placement
Advertising placement in the shopping centers and the supermarkets is much cheaper than
on TV and radio.
Efficacy, targeting of speech, the flexibility of rotation and low price make this kind of
advertisement compatible and is much ahead of all known channels of advertisement
dissemination for many parameters.
100% contact with the audience
Compared to TV advertisement, an audio advertisement will be listened to by a person for
sure. When the same information is repeated many times, it is going to be perfectly
remembered on the subconscious level. The very targeting information of advertisement will
be heard and learned for sure.
Audio advertisement can not be blocked
While watching web-sites a visitor sees promotion banner, he/she immediately blocks it.
He/she does that using customized automatic settings or manually. But it is hard if not
possible to do that with an audio advertisement.
The fastest design of the audio advertisement
Usually, the process of creating an advertisement is long, at least a few weeks. The same
can not be said of the audio advertisement! We create such advertisements quickly and
professionally. In addition, we can create few options at once to broadcast a new one daily,
so the customers won’t be annoyed.
Results of investigation of audio advertisement influence on the sales:
60% of customers react to the advertisement heard while shopping;
56% of respondents remember an audio advertisement they heard in the shopping establishments;
48% made unplanned purchases;
36% of customers chose an unexpected brand after they heard such advertisement.
Call us right not and we will create a promotional campaign just for you, choose promotional locations that will help to achieve maximum effect for an optimal price!
Мережа супермаркетів «Еко Маркет»
Мережа супермаркетів «Novus»
Мережа супермаркетів «Рукавичка»
Мережа магазинів «Червоний Маркет»
Мережа автозаправних станцій «UKRNAFTA»
Мережа автозаправних станцій «SHELL»
Ocean Plaza
МSky Mall
Art Mall
Lavina Mall
Smart Plaza Politech
Smart Plaza Obolon
Hollywood м. Чернігів
Мегацентр м. Чернігів
Aero Mall м. Бориспіль
Park Town м. Бориспіль
Солнечная Галерея м. Кривий Ріг
City Mall м. Запоріжжя
Аврора м. Запоріжжя
Панорама м. Одеса
Fontan Sky м. Одеса
Riviera м. Одеса
Мегамолл м. Вінниця
Анастасія м. Вінниця
Поділля Сіті м. Вінниця
Barbara м. Вінниця
Порт City м. Луцьк
Порт City м. Маріуполь
Украина м. Маріуполь
Victoria Garden’s м. Львів
King Kross Leopolis м. Львів
Opera Passage м. Львів
Magnus м. Львів
Роксолана м. Львів
Spartak м. Львів
Orange Plaza м. Вараш
Подоляни м Тернопіль
Дніпро Плаза м. Черкаси
Адмірал м. Херсон
Європорт м. Херсон